Posts tagged Addiction
Hope Even at the Bottom of the Bottle with Tara Nowell

As a young girl, Tara Nowell began to believe the lie that she couldn’t depend on anyone but herself. Eventually, this became anyone but herself and “the bottle.”

Even when she was at her rock bottom with alcoholism, Tara did not deny God’s existence--she just wanted Him to leave her alone.

Yet through the love of Christ and her beloved parents, God pursued Tara. After years of denial and resistance, Tara entered a Catholic Healing Center Cenacolo and God began to chisel away at Tara's hardened heart.

While Tara wanted to leave Cenacolo, she took the advice of a woman who encouraged her to stay until a miracle happened. Tara did just this. 

Listen to this inspiring podcast and know that your miracle can happen, too!

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Redeemed by God with Beth Cureton of Tennessee Prison Ministry (TPOM)

Beth had all the cards stacked up against her as a child--both parents struggled with drug addiction, she spent time in foster care and was the victim of abuse.

Beth developed her own cocaine addiction by the time she was an adult and has spent most of her adulthood in and out of jail and halfway homes.

Yet something profound unfolded the last time Beth was in jail--she was ministered to by Tennessee Prison Ministry (TPOM) and felt like the hands of Christ reached into jail to save her.

Beth is now a client of TPOM outside of jail and is working on rehabilitating her life. Holy scripture and the words of people loving into Beth are helping her to discover her dignity and value as a person. Beth is on fire with the love of God and is called to share this message of hope with others. 

TPOM strives to transform life behind bars, trade recidivism for restoration and end generational incarceration. You can learn more at

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Totally Dependent on God with Frank of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Five-year-old Frank sat on the steps of his parents' home and couldn't wait to drink like the adults he was watching. 

From 16 to 60 alcohol consumed Frank's life--it was an obsession of his mind. Frank would wake up each morning recovering from the night before, eat mid-day and spend the afternoons functioning until he could finally be drinking again.

At sixty Frank found himself hospitalized when he was visiting Memphis, TN. The doctors were concerned he may have a heart problem and required he drive back to Nashville, TN in an ambulance. 

Frank's wife trailed the ambulance for three hours of his journey back to Nashville--Frank recounts how the look in her eyes moved from contempt to pity. He couldn't take the look of pity and it broke open his heart.

Frank asked for help that day and has remained sober due to his daily dependence on God for thirteen years. Frank tells listeners that while we may give up on ourselves, God never gives up on us. Frank is now happier than he ever imagined possible. 

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How My Kids in Addiction Brought me to Our Lady with Carol Berry of Celebrating the Saints

As Carol Berry of Celebrating the Saints sat in the silence of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, she felt drawn to an image of a woman she affectionately named "My Girl." 

Soon before being initiated into the Catholic Church, Carol learned "Her Girl" was Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Carol discovered a peace that could only be of God as she faced what seemed to be an insurmountable trial: two children suffering from addiction. Tragically, she lost her daughter to addiction last year and experienced God's profound mercy. 

Carol created Restoring Women’s Outreach, a 12-step based residential sober living program for women who are in search of recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. 

Carol works at St. Bernard’s Abbey in Cullman, Alabama and loves being on “monk time.”

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My Son's Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol

Jean Heaton knew something was wrong with her son and asked God to show her what it was. Two days later she discovered her family needed help with substance abuse.

Jean talks about how drug and alcohol addiction is a family disease. Jean, her husband and their son all sought help. They "tackled it from every front they could."

What Jean learned was this meant surrendering her son and the circumstances they faced to God.

Jean shares numerous pearls of wisdom she has learned through the years it took for son to become sober.

Jean is the author of, "Helping Families Recover from Addiction: Coping, Growing and Healing through 12-Step Practices and Ignatian Spirituality."

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