Posts tagged Catholic Podcast for Women
Becoming Who God Dreams Me to Be with Ismael Fierro

Ismael Fierro and his wife Vanessa prepared for three years--and even learned French--to move from Mexico to Canada. However, when the time came to go, Ismael's company didn't offer him a job in Canada--they unexpectedly invited him to work in Nashville, Tennessee.

Ismael learned to let go of his own plan and surrender to God's will. He prayed, “Let me be the person you dreamt of when you created me.”

Soon thereafter, Ismael, Vanessa and their two small children landed in the Nashville airport to create a home in a country they didn't know with a language they didn't speak. Ismael sensed God with him in a sacred moment he will never forget. 

In this Easter podcast, be inspired as Ismael shares what “Thy Will be Done” in the Our Father means to him, as well as his love for Saint Joseph and the Surrender Novena. 

May we, like Ismael, always invoke the Holy Spirit in prayer and surrender our lives to God's will.

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A New Heart: Imagine the Impossible with Don and Barb Weller

“I’m here for a change of heart.”

Don Weller spoke these words as he began the intake process for his heart transplant surgery.

When Don woke up from the surgery, the doctor handed him a stethoscope and Don listened to his replacement heart's beat for the first time. A little while later, his wife Barb, their son and two daughters were able to do the same.  

But Don wasn't the only one in the hospital room receiving the miraculous gift of new life that day. As Don and Barb’s daughters listened to Don’s new heart, two tiny hearts were beating within them—they were both pregnant. 

Don and Barb never could have imagined the gift of new life for Don and their new grandchildren. Listen to this Easter podcast and imagine what may seem impossible for your life, too!

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The First Armless Pilot's Catholic Faith with Jessica Cox of "Right Footed"

There was silence in the delivery room when Jessica Cox was born—Jessica’s parents and the doctors were stunned to see she was born without arms.

As Jessica’s father held her that morning, a stranger approached and said how special he and Jessica's mom must be to bless them with Jessica-- Jessica's parents not only remembered their faith that morning, but they shared it with Jessica. 

Jessica, in turn, has been blessed with supernatural perseverance and determination in her lifetime.

Be inspired in this Easter podcast as Jessica shares almost unimaginable achievements (like Guinness World Record: The Only Pilot to Fly With Their Feet), as well as the moment she gave Pope Benedict her Guinness medal.

Jessica has spent her life swimming, surfing, scuba diving, doing Taekwondo and flying planes. All things truly are possible with God. 

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Christ: The Face of Mercy with Susan Skinner

Susan Skinner discovered she had the gift of discernment of spirits. 

Susan’s son had slept over at his friend's home before, but this time Susan felt uneasy; she said yes to playing during the day, but no to the overnight invitation.

Susan dropped her son off and chatted with the friend’s mom, Veronica, in her living room. The next day, Veronica was murdered right where she and Susan had been standing about 12 hours earlier.

Susan's suffering consumed her as she grappled to understand how a loving God could ever let this happen.

Learn how God met Susan as she lay in tears on her bathroom floor. As God's whispered into Susan's heart, she began to heal and love in ways she never knew possible.

Listen to this Lenten podcast and deepen your relationship with Christ, The Face of Mercy.

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Merry Christmas! with The Wynne Children

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas!

Mamas in Spirit Season 6 will begin on Thursday, February 15th with the Lenten Series.

Host Lindy Wynne will be doing a virtual Lenten Plan for Catholic Moms with John Bosio on Fridays at 11am CST during Lent 2024. Go to and enter your email to get more information. 

Can't wait to be with you for Season 6! May God bless you and yours, always.

Merry Christmas!

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The Gift of Women with Chaplain Fr. Jon Meyer

The table is turned on Host Lindy Wynne, as Chaplain Fr. Jon Meyer asks Lindy about womanhood and what it means to be a woman.

Lindy explores the gift of womanhood and meaning of Saint Edith Stein's words, "The woman's soul is fashioned as a shelter in which other souls may unfold." 

When Lindy was twenty-one and volunteering at an orphanage in Tijuana, she met and developed a maternal love for a young boy named Coco. Coco began calling Lindy "mama." It broke Lindy's heart to have to leave Coco, yet simultaneously revealed God's call for Lindy to be a spiritual mother and shelter souls through adoption.

Womanhood is a complete self-gift in which a woman surrenders her heart for the sake of Love Itself. 

Lindy has witnessed such mercy, love and compassion in other women. The gift of a woman is her feminine heart and ability to shelter other souls in a way that hopefully moves others to do the same.

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God Sought Me in My Sorrow with Emily Adams of The Little Souls

When Emily and her husband went to a routine sonogram appointment seventeen weeks into her pregnancy, the technician struggled to find a heartbeat. 

They were told they’d have to wait two hours for an ultrasound technician to take a closer look in the hope their baby was okay.

Emily knew she needed to go somewhere she felt safe—they were close to The Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nashville. Emily and her husband headed to the noon Mass to wait.

While Emily felt wrapped in the sacredness of the Mass, she also was overwhelmed with worry and sorrow. Deep down she knew there would be no heartbeat as she prayed the Angelus “Be it done to me according to Thy word.”

Once it was confirmed the baby had no heartbeat, Emily knew she would deliver baby John David. She and her husband wanted to hold him.

Hear how God sought Emily through sorrow as she experienced His consolation and call to help others heal from sorrow.

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God Draws Us Close with Kayce Maddux

Kayce Maddux lost her sister when she was in third grade. In their suffering, Kayce's family stopped going to church for a time. Yet God met Kayce right where she was at in the intimacy of her heart and backyard of her home.

Jesus became Kayce's very best friend.

Kayce continued to seek God throughout her adolescence and was blessed to meet her husband at a young age--she was surprised when they sat atop a lifeguard tower and talked about their passionate love of God during their first full conversation.

Kayce converted to Catholicism to get married to her husband in the Church. Kayce talks about how God works through all things, met her as a young bride and drew her closer than she had ever been before.

Kayce continues grow close to God through the Sacraments and prayers she has been blessed with in the Catholic Church. 

Kayce recognizes how God draws us near every day in all things. She recognizes the sacred balance between having Catholic friendships centered in the Lord, while also being surrounded with those different from her to discover God more fully and stay ignited with the fire of His love. 

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The Breakup Bible: From Heartbreak to Wholeness

The day they broke up, Brian handed Lindy a Bible. With both moving away, it was a moment drenched in emotion and laced with countless unknowns.

It’s jacket now well-worn, its pages heavily noted and highlighted, “The Breakup Bible” proved to be a cornerstone for both Lindy’s faith-journey and Brian and Lindy’s relationship.

In this week’s podcast, Brian and Lindy share how God helped them climb out of the mess they made and firmly root their marriage in Him.

Hear about how a journey of loss, heartbreak and separation led to redemption and commitment. And how a breakup gift became a prized possession.

Every marriage has its brokenness that may seem unfixable. Yet God is hope and offers miraculous healing.

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Allowing Ourselves to Be Loved with Lisa Canning, The Possibility Mom

Lisa Canning is a Catholic wife, mother and business woman who seems to be able to do it all.

Yet Lisa shares that doing it all herself is impossible--for this "Possibility Mom" all things are only possible with God. 

In this Easter Podcast, Lisa shares how she is constantly being sharpened as she re-surrenders her life, business and plans over to God and trusts in a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). 

One of the greatest gifts Lisa has learned is to loosen her grip of control and open her heart to being loved in ways she never could have imagined. 

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The Miracle Of Going Home with Elaine Drabik

Elaine Drabik was rushed to the hospital after an unexpected seizure. Unknowingly, she had a virus resulting in a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that left Elaine's family uncertain if she would survive. 

Elaine and her family were blessed with a miracle. While doctors were uncertain if Elaine would ever be well enough to go home, Elaine miraculously returned home on her youngest child's first birthday. She'd healed more than her doctors had even hoped.  

In this Lenten podcast, Elaine shares about the months of recovery in which she spent most of the time alone sleeping and resting due to severe headaches. Throughout these long months Elaine clung to Scripture, as well as the word she heard God speak to her in the hospital: "Okay." Somehow, Elaine knew she would be "okay."

Hear Elaine share how God transformed her heart throughout this tremendous trial. 

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How My Kids in Addiction Brought me to Our Lady with Carol Berry of Celebrating the Saints

As Carol Berry of Celebrating the Saints sat in the silence of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, she felt drawn to an image of a woman she affectionately named "My Girl." 

Soon before being initiated into the Catholic Church, Carol learned "Her Girl" was Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Carol discovered a peace that could only be of God as she faced what seemed to be an insurmountable trial: two children suffering from addiction. Tragically, she lost her daughter to addiction last year and experienced God's profound mercy. 

Carol created Restoring Women’s Outreach, a 12-step based residential sober living program for women who are in search of recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. 

Carol works at St. Bernard’s Abbey in Cullman, Alabama and loves being on “monk time.”

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Preparing My Husband for Heaven with Kendra Tierney of Catholic All Year

Kendra Tierney's husband Jim was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma sixteen years before he passed away last summer. Kendra faced great ambiguity beginning the day Jim was first diagnosed--that very morning Kendra chose to "wait to worry."

God carried and consoled Kendra each day as she trusted in the Lord and radically surrendered to His plan, rather than her own.  

The rich tradition, prayers and Sacraments of our Catholic faith blessed Kendra as she prepared Jim for Heaven, processed all that was unfolding and walked with her children (ages 3-19) through the passing of their father.

Kendra shares intimate moments she witnessed God at work: Jim's last conversation before dying was "a good Confession" and the final thing he saw and ate was the Eucharist. 

Kendra is a Catholic homemaker, homeschooler and mother of ten children. She created Catholic All Year (CAY) to use food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith.

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Struggling with Your Reality? with Fr. Jon Meyer, Chaplain of Mamas in Spirit

Are you struggling to accept the crosses you carry? This Lenten podcast explores how difficult it can be to face long-term suffering due to circumstances such as death, addiction, broken relationships, illness, mental illness and more.

Father Jon Meyer (Chaplain) and Lindy Wynne (Host) delve into Luke 22:42 when Jesus asks God, "if you are willing, take this cup away from me."

We all have "cups of suffering" we want taken away. Father Jon and Lindy share situations in their own lives that left them wondering how they could possibly get through.

Yet they have learned through their suffering that when we open our hearts, surrender to the will of God and trust Jesus fully that God touches and transforms us with the completeness of His love.  


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The Sacred Call to Motherhood

Leah Jacobson, wife and mother of seven children never thought she'd be called to motherhood. Leah had been taught as a young woman that success was equal to a career.

Leah met her husband and remained faithful to the teachings of the Church to being open to life. After discovering the depth and beauty of her call to motherhood, Leah realized she had been pressured into a false identity by the secular world. Leah discovered her true identity as a daughter of God.

Leah speaks of Saint Catherine of Sienna's words, "Be Who God Meant You to Be and You’ll Set the World on Fire."

Leah encourages listeners to discover their identities in Christ and further the Kingdom of God.

Leah founded the Guiiding Star Project in 2001 to support women as they transition into motherhood and uphold the sanctity of life at every stage. Leah is the author of, "Wholistic Feminism: Healing the Identity Crisis Caused by the Women's Movement."

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Blessed is She Who Believes with Elizabeth Santorum Marcolini

When Elizabeth and her husband Matt were asked by Sister Mary of the Sisters of Life to pray for a woman who was pregnant, they had no idea they were keeping their future daughter in prayer.

Elizabeth later learned Sister Mary had also given their daughter’s birthmother a copy of the book that Elizabeth had written with her parents, "Bella's Gift: How One Little Girl Transformed Our Family and Inspired a Nation."

Elizabeth speaks of God's "trail of divine breadcrumbs" that led Matt and her to adopt Zelie. This miracle has been greater than their own best laid plans.

Elizabeth encourages listeners to believe and be "good clay," as God is the Divine Potter.

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God is Always Working in Our Pain with Ann Koshute of Springs in the Desert

Ann Koshute of Springs in the Desert shares her personal testimony of waiting to meet her husband until she was forty-two years old and then facing infertility together.

Looking back at her life Ann sees how God was always at work preparing her heart for the suffering she would face.

Ann shares tender and vulnerable moments she and her husband experienced as they navigated infertility together.

Ann encourages listeners to be completely honest with God and open to what He is doing in and through painful experiences--God is always forming and preparing us.

"Springs in the Desert accompanies those struggling with infertility by offering a place of respite and solidarity where they can know God’s love for them and discover His unique call to fruitfulness."

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Holy Thursday: A Love So Great It Feels Undeserved

When Jesus told Simon Peter that he was going to wash the disciples’ feet in the Gospel of John, Simon Peter told Jesus that he would never let Jesus wash his feet. Yet once Simon Peter understood that he must let Jesus wash his feet in order to receive his inheritance and be with Jesus eternally, Simon agreed with all his heart.

Simon Peter felt undeserving of the humble act of love and example Jesus offered.

In this week's podcast, Brian and Lindy Wynne share moments in their marriage when they have received love from one another that they have felt undeserving of. Hear how Christ's example has helped Brian and Lindy to create a safe place of vulnerability with one another and, ultimately, discover more fully the meaning of Christ's sacrificial love.

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My Car is My Home for Christ

Meg Hunter-Kilmer is known as "Hobo for Christ." In this Advent podcast, Meg shares how she was called to live out of her car and travel around the country sharing the gift of Christ. Meg is a renowned Catholic speaker and author of multiple books, including Pray for Us: 75 Saints Who Sinned, Suffered and Struggled on Their Way to Holiness.

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Moms, Teenagers and Spiritual Warfare with Nadine Sestich

Nadine Sestich shares about a time of heightened spiritual warfare in her family. Nadine explores how it is essential to be aware of how darkness can sneak into the lives of parents and their children to lure them away from God. Mothers must stay vigilant about what they and their children consume and rebuke the devil whenever necessary.

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