Posts tagged Louisiana
Glorifying God While Carrying a Cross with Lorraine Hess

Lorraine Hess was touring for her new album about glorifying God when she found out that her home had been severely damaged in a house fire. 

After returning home she felt drawn to Adoration.

While there, she heard God ask her, “Can you glorify me while you are carrying a cross?”

In this Easter podcast, hear how Lorraine was committed to glorifying God throughout the 20 months her family was displaced while fixing their home.

God sharpened Lorraine to stay in gratitude and recognize how people were watching her living witness.

Hear Lorraine sing about this experience in her song “A Heart That’s Been Purified” at the end of the podcast, and learn more about her at

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A Hurricane in the Pandemic

Diana, her husband, their five children and her mother left their home and squeezed into a tiny apartment as Hurricane Laura struck Louisiana during the pandemic. Diana shares the aftermath of the hurricane and how she continues to discover God's immense beauty in others throughout this difficult time. Themes explored are God with us, people over ideas, the American spirit, beauty from ashes, spiritual direction and finding God in the messiness.

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