Posts tagged Catholic podcasts for moms
One Step at a Time with God with Elizabeth Blanke

Elizabeth Blanke never could have imagined she’d be a young widow, on her own with three small children.

Elizabeth’s husband and high school sweetheart passed away unexpectedly from a sudden heart attack. 

Hear how God guided Elizabeth one step at a time to face the unimaginable. 

From planning the funeral to learning taxes to becoming the sole parent of their three children, Elizabeth leaned into God’s holy presence and supernatural provision—with God, she was able to attend to all the details while God attended to Elizabeth’s heart.

Listen to this newest podcast in the Mamas in Spirit Easter Series and know that all things are truly possible with God. 

From planning the funeral to learning taxes to becoming the sole parent of their three children, Elizabeth leaned into God’s holy presence and supernatural provision—with God, she was able to attend to all the details while God attended to Elizabeth’s heart.

Listen to this newest podcast in the Mamas in Spirit Easter Series and know that all things truly are possible with God. 

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Glorifying God While Carrying a Cross with Lorraine Hess

Lorraine Hess was touring for her new album about glorifying God when she found out that her home had been severely damaged in a house fire. 

After returning home she felt drawn to Adoration.

While there, she heard God ask her, “Can you glorify me while you are carrying a cross?”

In this Easter podcast, hear how Lorraine was committed to glorifying God throughout the 20 months her family was displaced while fixing their home.

God sharpened Lorraine to stay in gratitude and recognize how people were watching her living witness.

Hear Lorraine sing about this experience in her song “A Heart That’s Been Purified” at the end of the podcast, and learn more about her at

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Awe of Advent with Fr. Ed Steiner, Pastor of St. Philip Catholic Church

When Fr. Ed Steiner was just 5 years old, there was a knock on his front door during supper. Fr. Ed excitedly ran to see who it was. What he found he never could have imagined. 

It was Santa Claus!  

To the day Fr. Ed still finds himself stirred with a similar sense of awe he experienced that very moment he saw Santa as a young boy. Yet Fr. Ed recognizes what he is really waiting for is the coming of Christ. 

In this Advent podcast Fr. Ed reflects on our need to remember why Christ came—and how the true meaning of Christmas fills our hearts and homes during this special time of year. 

Let us strive to make awe-filled memories and practice the Gospel with our loved ones this Advent Season.

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50 Years and Grateful with Ted and Catherine Wynne, Host Lindy Wynne's Parents-in-Law

Be charmed by Ted and Catherine Wynne as they share their gratitude to God and advice to listeners after 50 years of marriage.

Host Lindy Wynne has a heartfelt conversation with her parents-in-law as they reveal the trust and companionship they are blessed to have with one another. 

From Catherine’s ’69 Camaro to Ted’s love of football, hear how they revel in both the little and big moments. Their lives are blessed with profound meaning as they companion one another in both the good and difficult times of life.

Let your heart be wrapped in the gift of family this Thanksgiving season. 

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The Kiss of God with Kristi Bentley

After Kristi Bentley experienced pregnancy loss with her first baby, she wondered how something so beautiful could be given and then taken away from her.

Kristi now sees how the hand of God was at work in her life all those years ago.

Kristi’s loss led to a deep understanding of the precious gift of life. While mourning her first child she promised to be open to all the children God might bless her and her husband Patrick with. Seven children and countless prayers later, Kristi shares personal stories about Our Lady of Fatima, many Saints and the “kiss of God.”

Be inspired by Kristi’s openness to life even when others don’t understand—Kristi’s pure heart encourages us to notice all the ways we may experience the kiss of God, too. 

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Healing Anxiety and Depression with Melissa Maleski of the Diocese of Harrisburg

“Just take a step. Don’t worry about the next step. Just take one step towards healing.”

This is Melissa Maleski’s advice, mirroring her experience when her anxiety and depression reached a breaking point almost two decades ago. Melissa found herself hyperventilating with a panic attack on her shower floor. 

God spoke into the quiet of Melissa’s heart—Melissa realized she didn’t have to live like that anymore.

Melissa chose to be vulnerable, share with loved ones and seek professional support.

Melissa is amazed by how she has received blessing upon blessing from God since she sought help so many years ago--Melissa wants the same for you and any of your loved ones struggling with their mental health. 

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Preparing My Husband for Heaven with Kendra Tierney of Catholic All Year

Kendra Tierney's husband Jim was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma sixteen years before he passed away last summer. Kendra faced great ambiguity beginning the day Jim was first diagnosed--that very morning Kendra chose to "wait to worry."

God carried and consoled Kendra each day as she trusted in the Lord and radically surrendered to His plan, rather than her own.  

The rich tradition, prayers and Sacraments of our Catholic faith blessed Kendra as she prepared Jim for Heaven, processed all that was unfolding and walked with her children (ages 3-19) through the passing of their father.

Kendra shares intimate moments she witnessed God at work: Jim's last conversation before dying was "a good Confession" and the final thing he saw and ate was the Eucharist. 

Kendra is a Catholic homemaker, homeschooler and mother of ten children. She created Catholic All Year (CAY) to use food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith.

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Vessels of the Holy Spirit with John Angotti

John Angotti reaches out and connects others to God by creating and telling stories with his music for worship and liturgy.

In this Advent podcast, John shares about his experience as an adopted son and journey of healing with both his adoptive and biological parents. John discovered that separation anxiety has been a core struggle thorughout his life, due to being removed from his birth mother and kept in the hospital for months after his birth.

John shares how we all experience separation anxiety in some way due to our separation from God while on Earth. Yet, John reminds listeners that, ultimately, “we dwell in God and God dwells in us.” We are meant to be vessels of the Holy Spirit to share the love of God throughout our lifetimes. 

John sings his new song, "There's Life After Hell."

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Segregated as a Child with Daisy Broughton

Miss Daisy Broughton was a child in Franklin, Tennessee during racial segregation. She tells stories of her experience and talks about how loving or hating a person has nothing to do with the color of their skin.

Miss Daisy shares, "People would say they loved Christ, but they disliked me because of the color of my skin. That's a contradiction, because Christ loved everybody."

Martin Luther King Junior's example and words speak deeply to Miss Daisy about the love of God and how we don't have to like everybody, but we do need to love everyone--each human person is a child of God.

Miss Daisy shares how the meaning of Advent is to prepare for Jesus to come into our hearts again.

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Homeless and Hopeful with Charlie Vos

Charli Vos is experiencing homelessness and receiving help in city shelters.

Charli was raised in a violent and segregated town in Texas and experienced human trafficking as a child. She was abused from the time she was very young until she left her biological family when she was about thirty years old. Charli unknowingly had PTSD and utilized drugs and alcohol for many years to mentally escape her circumstances.

Charli hit rock bottom and started rehabilitation. She has been sober since 2013.

Charli attributes her miraculous healing to God and relies on her Catholic faith to navigate each day and share the love of God with others. Charli is grateful to have adopted the Holy Family as her own.

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A Thanksgiving Wish with Lindy's Daughter's

Lindy's daughters join her to wish you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving!

The Mamas in Spirit Advent Series begins on November 25th. Open your heart to God in a way you never have before!

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Combatting the Crisis of Masculinity with Father Jon Meyer and Brian Wynne

Father Jon Meyer, Chaplain of Mamas in Spirit and Brian Wynne explore the current crisis of masculinity in our culture. They share how manhood is a total gift of self with Saint Joseph as a model and Christ as the ultimate model.

Father Jon and Brian also talk about ways to combat the crisis of masculinity with specific suggestions: building men and boys up, encouraging men and boys to identify role models they can spend time with, encouraging men to attend men's retreats and small groups, praying for our men and encouraging them to pray with and for one another.

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Creating the Beauty of Heaven with Vivian Imbruglia of Sacred Image Icons

Vivian Imbruglia of Sacred Image Icons shares how she was drawn to attend Adoration during her lunch hour many years ago. Vivian sat in silence and the Holy Spirit clearly told her to change her life. Vivian left her job that day, lost friends and had to find a new home. However, Vivian says that day saved her soul.

As a Sacred Artist and Iconographer, Vivian is very careful about how she spends her time, including what she watches and listens to. She recognizes that she can’t listen to worldly things if she going to try to create pieces of artwork reflective of Heaven

Vivian is passionate about the motto of the Society of Jesus, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God). Vivian hopes to glorify God in everything she does.

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The Holy Path with Lori Stanley

Lori Stanley, Executive Director of the Loyola Institute for Spirituality talks about the practice of Ignatian Spirituality. She shares how God is always present and at work in our lives.

Lori created a way to examine her heart and help her to align her will with God's holy will. Lori utilizes the acronym PATH.

P: What principles are guiding my life right now?

A:Who am I associating with and how are they impacting my relationship with God?

T: What thoughts are going through my mind? What am I feeding myself by thinking about myself?

H: What habits am I aware of that are obstacles to listen to God? How can I be more disciplined to respond to God’s call in my life?

Lori also shares about forgiveness and tells an intimate story in which God guided her to ask for forgiveness when she was wounded by two people she loves.

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Will You Let God Love You?

Amanda Bagwell of Whole Catholic was at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Wisconsin sitting at the feet of a statue of Our Lady of Grace. Amanda heard God speak into her heart, "Will you let me love you?" Amanda responded, "I don't know how." This moment changed Amanda's life.

God has shown Amanda through the meaning of her name how to be loved. Amanda's name, Amanda Diane means beloved, worthy of love and daughter of the King.

Amanda shares the meaning of her first name in three parts:

*Be-loved By Him: Recieve God's love from God and others

*Be-love to others: show and express God's love to others through relationships

*Be-lov-ed: teach others to love through example, as well as intentional teaching

Amanda and her husband, Jansen have a deliverance ministry, Whole Catholic to help you get unstuck in faith and life. Learn how to experience mercy, find freedom and move forward to live the life God designed for you!

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Speak Up! with Kate Bryan of 1 Girl Revolution

Kate Bryan of 1 Girl Revolution felt her voice wasn't represented when she read an article in the Washington Post about feminism. Kate wrote a response to the article entitled, "I'm a 32-year-old virgin, and I'm living the feminist dream." Unexpectedly, it went viral.

Kate had Job's Syndrome as a child, a rare syndrome that causes skin infections. She was bullied in grade school and wanted to be "invisible."

Yet, "the girl inside" Kate is spunky and vibrant. Kate learned to be who God created her to be and how to use her voice to stand up and tell her story. Kate also discovered her call to help others to use their voices too.

Kate created 1 Girl Revolution, a multimedia platform and podcast that highlights the stories of everyday women who are changing the world.

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The Interior of our Souls

Claire Dwyer encourages listeners to engage in a rich life of prayer and speaks of the deep relationship with God that we have been designed for.

Claire talks about our lifetimes being an invitation for an “ever-increasing encounter” with God. Just like those in religious life, our intimacy and forever with God starts now and is fully realized in Heaven.

Claire also shares about Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity and the spiritual wisdom Saint Elizabeth has left us.

Claire is the author of “This Present Paradise: A Spiritual Journey with Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity.”

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The Sacred Call to Motherhood

Leah Jacobson, wife and mother of seven children never thought she'd be called to motherhood. Leah had been taught as a young woman that success was equal to a career.

Leah met her husband and remained faithful to the teachings of the Church to being open to life. After discovering the depth and beauty of her call to motherhood, Leah realized she had been pressured into a false identity by the secular world. Leah discovered her true identity as a daughter of God.

Leah speaks of Saint Catherine of Sienna's words, "Be Who God Meant You to Be and You’ll Set the World on Fire."

Leah encourages listeners to discover their identities in Christ and further the Kingdom of God.

Leah founded the Guiiding Star Project in 2001 to support women as they transition into motherhood and uphold the sanctity of life at every stage. Leah is the author of, "Wholistic Feminism: Healing the Identity Crisis Caused by the Women's Movement."

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Blessed is She Who Believes with Elizabeth Santorum Marcolini

When Elizabeth and her husband Matt were asked by Sister Mary of the Sisters of Life to pray for a woman who was pregnant, they had no idea they were keeping their future daughter in prayer.

Elizabeth later learned Sister Mary had also given their daughter’s birthmother a copy of the book that Elizabeth had written with her parents, "Bella's Gift: How One Little Girl Transformed Our Family and Inspired a Nation."

Elizabeth speaks of God's "trail of divine breadcrumbs" that led Matt and her to adopt Zelie. This miracle has been greater than their own best laid plans.

Elizabeth encourages listeners to believe and be "good clay," as God is the Divine Potter.

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