Posts tagged story
Speak Up! with Kate Bryan of 1 Girl Revolution

Kate Bryan of 1 Girl Revolution felt her voice wasn't represented when she read an article in the Washington Post about feminism. Kate wrote a response to the article entitled, "I'm a 32-year-old virgin, and I'm living the feminist dream." Unexpectedly, it went viral.

Kate had Job's Syndrome as a child, a rare syndrome that causes skin infections. She was bullied in grade school and wanted to be "invisible."

Yet, "the girl inside" Kate is spunky and vibrant. Kate learned to be who God created her to be and how to use her voice to stand up and tell her story. Kate also discovered her call to help others to use their voices too.

Kate created 1 Girl Revolution, a multimedia platform and podcast that highlights the stories of everyday women who are changing the world.

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A Dutiful Wife

Tracy shares how putting her husband first converted her heart. Hear how Tracy, her husband and their five children learned what it means to be a "domestic church" on fire with the Holy Spirit.

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Baptized at 42

Host Lindy Wynne's brother, Jamie Crane was just baptized at the 2021 Easter Vigil! Hear Jamie's moving testimony about saying "yes" to God and being initiated into the Catholic Church at forty-two years old.

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My Carpool Family

Retired nurse Dane DeLuca talks about her group of friends called the “carpool family” and their experience as one of the beloved members died of cancer.

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"Hope On!"

Featured guest Julie Overlease shares about her daughter Evelyn's devastating and unexpected accident when Evelyn was struck by a heavy tree limb while shielding her beloved puppy. Evelyn experienced a traumatic brain injury that resulted in emergency surgery to save her life. Hear how Julie, Evelyn and all of the Overlease family experienced the profound blessings of steadfast hope, faith-filled friendship and God's miracles.

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